
EcoCheck – leading environmental consultancy

EcoCheck is a leading occupational & environmental consultancy with an unrivalled reputation for providing expert, tailored services. We specialize in exposure assessment and risk characterization for environmental and occupational health and safety hazards in the workplace and community. Our team of Ecocheck specialists provides Direct advice and support on a wide range of strategic and site-specific issues, to a diverse and growing a base of business.

As specialists in risk assessment analysis and modeling, our industrial hygiene specialists performs consulting, exposure modeling and exposure reconstruction for a diverse set of industries including minerals, engineering, semiconductors, laboratories and healthcare organizations.

environmental consultancy

What is Industrial Hygiene

Industrial Hygiene Defined: The science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, prevention, and control of those environmental factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace which may cause sickness, impaired health and wellbeing, or significant discomfort among workers or among citizens of the community (Source: American Industrial Hygiene Association).

Our team of occupational health and safety specialists includes industrial hygienists and environmental and engineering professionals.

Every project completed by EcoCheck is driven by specific requirements that are unique for each client.Developing a customized scope of work that provides an optimal solution at a reasonable cost is the basis of our client-focused approach to industrial hygiene. Our commitment to understanding our client's business and listening to our client's needs enables us to propose tailored solutions designed to be implemented with the resources available.

Environmental health and safety issues can affect every type of property – from offices to schools, hospitals to factories, laboratories to construction sites. These issues can cost you time and money in lost productivity, manufacturing delays, and government fines. More importantly, they can harm your people.

Industrial Hygiene Consulting

As a group of certified industrial hygiene and safety consultants, EcoCheck understands the complex environmental health issues that can affect your people and property. We provide assessment, advising, monitoring and training services to help you address issues related to:

  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Industrial Hygiene Consulting
  • Ambient Air Testing
  • Mold and Moisture Assessment
  • Health and Safety Programs
  • Ventilation System Evaluations
  • Construction Health and Safety
  • Asbestos & Hazardous Building Materials

EcoCheck has served as a full-service industrial hygiene and environment consulting firm. Our experienced group of industrial hygienists can help your company ensure that employees, visitors, and family members are not impacted negatively by workplace exposures. Some exposures that can cause long-term health implications include toxic dust, noise, chemicals, and gases.

Assessing and documenting workplace exposures are not only required by Law — it is a smart business practice. Corporations that put into practice a comprehensive Industrial Hygiene and Safety Program enjoy several benefits:

  • They save several times the amount of money it costs to implement the program.
  • Their employees have a higher productivity rate.
  • Workers compensation insurance premiums go down.
  • Employee morale goes up.

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